Publish Date20.05.2022
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IMM's free internet is now available in all metros!
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality’s free Wi-Fi practice, which was first introduced in vehicles of M2 Yenikapı-Hacıosman Metro Line, is now available to Istanbulites with the name of Blue Zone at all covered stations. In addition, 384 USB ports were installed for easy charging in 192 metro vehicles serving Istanbulites on M2 Yenikapı-Hacıosman Metro Line.
Technological transformation continues in the stations and vehicles of Metro Istanbul, Turkey's largest urban rail system operator. Working with the aim of turning metro areas into cultural, artistic and sports crossroads, Metro Istanbul also works with the understanding of transforming these areas into living spaces by offering solutions that can meet all the needs of its passengers. Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) Information Processing Department developed free Wi-Fi practice for the passengers at 101 underground metro stations as a pillar of the technological transformation in the metros.
“Our passengers demand uninterrupted communication”
Underlining the importance of technology in big cities, Ozgur Soy, General Manager of Metro Istanbul, said that they continue to work to offer all the possibilities of technology to passengers uninterruptedly.
Özgür Soy gave the following information about the Wi-Fi service in the metro: “First of all, we activated IMM free Wi-Fi service in our vehicles on M2 Yenikapı-Hacıosman Metro Line. The number of passengers benefiting from this service has increased 72 times since October 2021, when the practice started. After the uninterrupted communication requests we received from our passengers, we started to work with IMM Department of Information Processing so that Istanbul residents can also benefit from free internet service at our stations. We created Blue Zones at our 101 underground stations on
all our lines, and offered IMM free Wi-Fi areas to our passengers”.
“We installed 384 charging ports for uninterrupted communication”
Reminding the goal of the Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu to spread free internet all over the city, General Manager Özgür Soy said, “We support the free internet service launched in the Blue Zones with the USB charging ports we have installed in our vehicles. In order for our passengers to charge their mobile devices during their journey in the metro, we installed USB charging ports on 192 metro vehicles serving on our M2 Hacıosman-Yenikapı Metro Line. Within the scope of this practice, which we completed in December, taking into the account of the accessibility of our disabled passengers, we have installed 384 ports in our fleet, two of which can be used by four passengers at the same time for each vehicle”.
Explaining that 232 digital info boards are positioned at 120 stations, General Manager Özgür Soy said, “With these boards, our passengers are able to receive standard information such as announcements and news. They can plan their journey online, find out the train times passing through the station they want, the first and last train departure times by querying the timetable, and see the instantaneous interruptions in our lines by examining the network maps. We aim to make the time our passengers spend in metro areas enjoyable and increase their satisfaction by providing uninterrupted communication with these practices we have implemented”.

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