Electrical & Electronic Facilities

Electrical & Electronic Facilities

Metro Istanbul is obliged to have electrical and electronic facilities of metro, tram, funicular and cable car lines under its management ready and operational in accordance with the required conditions. Metro Istanbul is aware of the fact that keeping electric and electronic systems working effectively and continuously is essential for “service quality” and “customer satisfaction level” and carries out studious repair and maintenance works on these relevant systems with the apprehension of solving the problems at its source.
Following services are continuously under inspection to stick with our promise to render safe, fast, and comfortable travel service to our passengers:

  • Radio systems,
  • Transmission and telephone systems,
  • Electronic security systems,
  • Clock system,
  • SCADA system,
  • CCTV and announcement system,
  • Fire detection and call system,
  • Signalisation system that provides train movement safely,
  • Catenary system that provides energy to vehicles,
  • Auxiliary power distribution systems,
  • Energy systems like uninterrupted power supplies and transformers,

These services provide predetermining malfunctions, taking protective and preventive measures and repairing malfunctions taken place just like other workshop maintenance services.