Metro Ethics

Metro Ethics

The ethical behaviour principles that Metro Istanbul employees must comply with in their interactions with their internal and external stakeholders have been determined based on the ethical principles of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Metro Istanbul employees and all officers working within the scope of Metro Istanbul undertake the responsibility of complying with and guiding ethical rules in this framework.

In its relations with its stakeholders, Metro Istanbul has adopted the basic values of being fair, reliable, sensitive to people and the environment, solution-oriented, agile, transparent, ethical, participatory, inclusive, expert in the field, having merit, smiling and respectful.

While carrying out its activities, Metro Istanbul complies with the relevant legislation and its contractual commitments and acts in the light of the following principles within the framework of the "Ethical Principles":

  • Public service awareness in the fulfilment of the task,
  • Public service awareness
  • Complying with service standards
  • Commitment to purpose and mission
  • Honesty and impartiality
  • Respect and trust
  • Courtesy and respect
  • Notification to competent authorities
  • Avoiding a conflict of interest
  • Failure to use duties and powers for profit
  • Accepting and giving gifts
  • Protection and confidentiality of information and documents
  • Avoiding extravagance
  • Transparency and participation
  • Social responsibility and respect for the environment

Professional ethics should be at the centre of the service. The profession has an obligation to express its core values, ethical principles and ethical standards. The Code applies to all employees, regardless of their professional function, the environments in which they work, or the population they serve.

Ethical standards are related to the professional activities of all Metro Istanbul employees and these standards are stated below:

  • Ethical responsibilities to stakeholders
  • Ethical responsibilities to colleagues
  • Ethical responsibilities in practice environments
  • Ethical responsibilities as professionals
  • Ethical responsibilities to the rest of society

It is the responsibility of the Ethics Committee to investigate complaints and notifications regarding violations of the Ethical Behaviour Principles and to develop solutions. The Ethics Committee reserves the applications of employees or third parties. The members of the Ethics Committee carry out investigations and enquiries confidentially. Different communication channels have been established in order to make applications regarding the Ethical Behaviour Principles.