Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

Our Mission:
To increase the attractiveness of the city and the quality of life by providing environmentally friendly, comfortable, punctual, entertaining, technological and affordable transportation solutions that form the backbone of urban mobility in Istanbul.

Our Vision:
To be the most preferred vehicle by the people of Istanbul and to lead the development of the sector with our experience in the field of rail systems.

Mission Statement
In addition to the management of rail system services, we aim to shape the sector with the technologies we have developed as a project producing and implementing company. Our mission statement has the following components:

Developing/increasing urban mobility and quality of life: For a sustainable and resilient future, Metro Istanbul offers an innovative and inclusive transportation system focused on people and the environment, offering a mixed structure of safe, integrated, accessible and affordable mobility options that are compatible with Istanbul's unique geography and historical values. Aiming to present works belonging to different branches of art to Istanbulites in metro areas and to host enjoyable events, Metro Istanbul aims to turn metro areas into cultural-art crossroads, while increasing the quality of life of the city and positioning the metro areas as one of the city's attraction centres.

Making life sustainable: In order to leave a more liveable world to future generations, the widespread use of rail systems, which is the most environmentally friendly mode of transportation, is one of the indicators of development all over the world. In this direction, it is in the transportation vision of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) to reduce the number of road vehicles in traffic in Istanbul, one of the world's leading metropolises, to make the metro and trams the backbone of transportation. While we always prioritize accessibility and inclusiveness in our lines of operation, we attach importance to the effective use of limited resources for a sustainable future.

Create Technology: Metro Istanbul is a company with 33 years of management experience as well as 23 years of project experience. As a company that not only uses technology but also produces, Metro Istanbul knows the needs of the sector thanks to the knowledge it has gained from its management experience and it develops solution-oriented projects with agile approaches in line with these needs. By providing localization in the sector, we save both time and money while reducing foreign dependency.

Shape the Sector: Metro Istanbul aims to share its knowledge and experience from operation, repair and maintenance with public and private sector organizations and creates integrated, applicable, manageable and sustainable solutions to the most complex problems of the transportation sector and especially rail systems.

Creating and using the latest technology products and services with its R&D and design studies, Metro Istanbul contributes to the development of the sector. Turkey is proud of Metro Istanbul, which is one of the world's leading operators and one of the project producing engineering companies in the field of urban rail systems.