

Metro Istanbul cares about raising the awareness for children, who are the future of the city, to prefer metro and public transportation vehicles at an early age for sustainable urban life, and creates opportunities for children to interact with them. With the desire to carry the city to the future, with the individuals of the future, a painting exhibition themed "Istanbul in your dreams" was held on April 23rd for our children who stayed at home due to the pandemic and could not use public transportation.

Metro Istanbul has always prioritised our children, who are our future, and organised trips for them to spend their semester holidays more productively and opened Metro Istanbul Esenler Compound to children and provided bicycle-riding trainings. Areas related with the activities of Metro Istanbul is used to organise meetings with children who are interested in metros. Again, as a reflection of this approach, a child who lives outside of Istanbul and only comes to Istanbul during his holidays, who admires the metro, was hosted for a day and was informed about the operation, maintenance and other processes of Metro Istanbul.

Metro Istanbul Trained the Children of Esenler to Use Bicycles

Metro Istanbul, one of the subsidiaries of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), provided bicycle-riding training to children residing in Esenler Compound during the semester break.

Metro Istanbul, which wants to give a report card gift to children who had to spend a significant part of the last year at home due to the corona virus epidemic, opened the doors of the company compound to children in order to provide bicycle-riding training during the semester break. In this context, children between the ages of 7 and 14 residing in Esenler learned to ride a bicycle in the open area between 13.00 and 16.00 in the company's Headquarters Compound in Esenler, in groups of 5, accompanied by trainers. In this context, in order to support sustainable urban mobility and to encourage children to have a healthier and zero-emission life, bicycle training was given to children aged 7 to 14 residing in the district at the Headquarters Compound of Metro Istanbul in Esenler.

Children in Esenler Travelled to the Golden Horn with Metro Istanbul

Metro Istanbul took the children in Esenler, who could not spend time outside for a long time due to the pandemic, on a tour of the Golden Horn. Metro Istanbul accompanied 75 children aged 7 to 14 and residing in Esenler district and took them on a historical journey by professional tour guides to show them the Golden Horn.

Metro Istanbul, wanted to surprise the children who have not been able to leave their homes for about a year due to the corona virus epidemic. Metro Istanbul offered a half-term holiday surprise to 75 children aged 7 to 14 residing in Esenler, within the scope of the "Golden Horn Tour with Metro Istanbul" accompanied by professional tour guides between 4th to 11th  February. Due to the pandemic, the children participated in the trip, wore masks and followed physical distance measures together with one of their parents.

Within the scope of the tour, which started from Metro Istanbul Headquarters Compound in Esenler to the Alibeykoy Compound by buses, the tram vehicle warehouse and workshop in Alibeykoy were toured, and the children were given the opportunity to get to know the metro, where there will be the potential future passengers. After the workshop and warehouse area tours, the tour on historical places in the Golden Horn carried on foot.

Children of Istanbul Drew the Istanbul of Their Dreams

Metro Istanbul offered our children, who could not leave their homes due to the pandemic, the opportunity to exhibit their paintings at metro stations with the "Istanbul in My Dreams" themed pictures drawn by children from Istanbul in order to share the enthusiasm of April 23rd National Sovereignty And Children's Day.

Metro Istanbul, one of the subsidiaries of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), organised an event to share the enthusiasm of April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children's Day for children who have not been able to leave their homes for more than a year due to the restrictions taken within the scope of coronavirus measures.

Paintings with the theme of “Istanbul in My Dreams”, drawn by children from Istanbul and sent to Metro Istanbul, were exhibited at Taksim, Kirazli, Ayrilik Cesmesi, Karadeniz Mahallesi, Altunizade and Yenikapi metro stations. Exhibition comprised of the paintings of 110 children between the ages of 3 to 14 who sent their paintings to the exhibition, which is planned to be organised every year to become a traditional annual event.

The paintings in the exhibition were also shared on the social media accounts and website of Metro Istanbul for the children who could not come to the event area.