

Metro Istanbul is aware of the social, economic and environmental impacts of its activities. While providing services, Metro Istanbul pays attention to the material and spiritual texture of the city, and takes into account the values and expectations of the residents of the city. While designing new metro lines, Metro Istanbul takes care to choose the routes that will best meet the transportation needs of the city, and to meet the comfort and quality expectations in vehicle selection or design. T5 Eminönü-Alibeyköy Tram Line is designed to serve without catenary poles to avoid visual pollution, and this is a living example of this sensitivity. Metro Istanbul carries out awareness activities in order to build a more liveable future and raise awareness of the society in this direction by emphasizing the environmentalist aspect of the metro with the awareness of public service. In order to prevent noise and visual pollution, Metro Istanbul examines the incoming feedback and takes the necessary actions with precision.

Metro Istanbul closely follows technological developments, international practices and sectoral developments in line with its goal of carrying Istanbul to the future. While carrying the city to the future, Metro Istanbul works to create the necessary conditions for future generations to meet their current needs by using the resources that they can meet their own needs efficiently and appropriately. For this reason, Metro Istanbul uses all the means at its disposal to build a city where future generations can benefit and live happily and healthily in the future, without compromising the living comfort of today's stakeholders.

Being aware of the fact that the development of its stakeholders will ensure the development of Metro Istanbul, Metro Istanbul takes into account the expectations of its stakeholders in line with its aims aiming at innovative and continuous development. Metro Istanbul encourages increasing productivity, creativity and participation in order to have an ethical and sustainable procurement process.

Metro Istanbul creates social, environmental and economic impact areas and aims to manage its effects in all these areas in the most accurate way with its responsible and effective sustainability approach. Metro Istanbul acts in an environmentally sensitive manner with its vision stated as “to be the vehicle most preferred by Istanbulites and to lead the development of the sector with our experience in the field of rail systems”. Metro Istanbul bases all its activities on benefiting the society by exceeding the expectations of its stakeholders. Metro Istanbul adopts the gradual and stable development of its employees and suppliers as a principle, while taking the necessary actions to continue its existence and achieve its goals.

Operating in a sector that is constantly transforming with technological progress, Metro Istanbul has adopted the EFQM Management Model and revealed its integrated business and sustainability goals. Metro Istanbul manages its sustainability priorities in line with the principles it defines as "Participatory and Inclusive", "Solutionist and Agile", "Innovative and Entrepreneurial", "Expert and Competent", transforms risks in the fields of sustainability into opportunities.

The Sustainable Development Goals, set forth by the United Nations, are one of the resources that Metro Istanbul uses as a reference while creating its strategy. Metro Istanbul prioritizes ethical values; In line with the sustainability principles, Metro Istanbul has prepared its 5-year strategic plan and created all its activities and projects within this framework.


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