Human Resources Policy

Human Resources Policy

The biggest factor that brings Metro Istanbul to its goals and success is its qualified human resources. To maximize passenger satisfaction, to maintain and develop its leadership in the field of activity constitute the main elements of Metro Istanbul's human resources approach.

In this context, as our Human Resources Policies;

We plan and implement systems for our employees and all our stakeholders, with our core values at the centre and within the framework of our strategic goals.


Our Recruitment Policy

We carry out our recruitment within the norm staff approved in line with our budget.

In new recruitments, we attach great importance to the inclusion of experienced and qualified candidates who have great knowledge, who can carry our workforce to higher levels, and who have the potential to be included in the process. We attach great most importance to being fair, reliable, transparent, ethical, respectful, smiling, and adhering to the principle of gender equality without discrimination in the management of the process.

As a part of our Benefit to Society and Continuous Development Strategy, we develop projects such as Project Competitions, On-the-Job Trainings and Internship Programs in order to employ university and vocational high school students, especially those who provide Rail Systems education, as future employees and to develop them beforehand.

We receive job/internship applications at

Our Career Management Policy

As a part of our Continuous Development Culture, the focus of our Career Management Policy is to support the personal and career development of our employees, to meet our staffing needs mainly from within the organization, and to train and encourage our employees for different career paths for this purpose.

In this context;

  • Creating career roadmaps and talent pools,
  • Planning training organizations for career development,
  • To encourage our employees to make their own career plans within the organization,

An effective and objective Performance Management system, in which the objectives of our institution, business results and personal competencies are considered together, is of great importance. In our Performance Management System, it is essential that all individual numerical targets overlap with our corporate strategies and that the determined competencies be in line with our core values. We regularly review our Career Management System and Performance Management System, taking into account the requirements of the era.

Our Employee Satisfaction Policy

We regularly monitor the employee loyalty and satisfaction levels of our qualified workforce, which is our most important strength within the organization.

An Employee Satisfaction Survey is conducted every year, and we share the results of the survey within the organization in a fair and transparent manner.

We organize Employee Satisfaction Focus Group Studies, taking into account the survey results.

According to the results of the Focus Group studies, action plans are created regarding our areas that are open to improvement and we follow the action plans by the Employee Satisfaction Boards.

We prioritize Employee Satisfaction in all systems created, especially the Human Resources systems of our institution, and aim to add a sustainable value.

Our Wage Management and Benefits Policy

According to the position structure in our institution, job valuation is carried out at international standards and level structures are determined accordingly.

We plan the wage management and follow-up of fringe benefits, taking into account the level structures in question.

We determine wage increase rates by considering general economic data, opportunities and targets of the institution, changes and fluctuations that may occur in the sector in which it operates needs of employees and changes in livelihood indexes.

We carry out fringe benefits such as Clothing Assistance, Cleaning Assistance, Ramadan Assistance, Marriage Assistance, Education Assistance, Birth Assistance, Illness Assistance, Death Assistance, in order to support them in social life, depending on the business family and rank structure of our employees.

We recognize and appreciate the achievements of our employees who are passionate about creating value for Istanbul and who have a corporate management approach that supports this culture and environment. We evaluate and reward proposals and projects with project incentives.

Our Training Policy;

Metro Academy forms the basis of our Training Policy. At Metro Academy, we offer our employees the necessary training and development opportunities so they can continuously improve themselves in the best way possible and do their jobs better. In the training and development programs prepared at Metro Academy, we assist our employees in their personal development, enriching their knowledge, skills and competencies, and reflecting their achievements on business results.

We are developing our training policies with our motto "Trains Railway Experts That Shapes the Industry" and we aim to raise service standards in national and international platforms by supporting continuous development with our knowledge, experience, innovative and sustainable perspective in the Rail Systems Industry.

Our training organizations are planned in five basic categories.

  • Orientation Trainings

With the Orientation Program, we accelerate the adaptation process of all our employees who start to work in Metro Istanbul. As part of the on-boarding Process, we continue with a training program spread over three months. Our employees meet their Buddies on their first working day; we are greeted with a welcome kit.


  • Career Development Trainings

Trainings that will carry our technical knowledge and experience to future generations, such as Engineering Development Programs, that are a part of the Career Management system for the advancement of the employees in their career paths.

  • Personal Development Trainings

Trainings we prepare to help our employees realize their potential, to develop their competencies or to guide them in self-development techniques.

  • Compulsory Trainings

Trainings as per the legislation, such as OHS (Occupational Health and Safety), KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law), Working at Height.

  • Sectoral Trainings

As Metro Istanbul, training organizations are planned for the needs of the sector stakeholders in the country and abroad. 

Social Gender Equality

In all our Human Resources Policies, within the framework of our Participatory and Inclusive value, differences such as religion, language, race are not strictly observed, and in line with our gender equality processes, women's employment is given great importance with our "Equality is Here" discourse, especially in rail systems, which is a sector dominated by male employment. Gender equality, mobbing and sexual harassment are followed meticulously in our Ethics Line applications.

We have supported, contributed and pioneered many works on gender equality on national and international platforms.

Together with all our employees who are exposed to domestic violence, we fight in line with our "Approach to Combating Domestic Violence". We support all our employees who are exposed to violence in all their material and spiritual processes.

You can see the Working Principles of the TCE Equality Committee and Pioneers of the Change Group, which was created within the scope of our Gender Equality studies, here.