Charter of Passenger Rights

Charter of Passenger Rights

The Passenger Rights Charter is a voluntary acceptance of Metro Istanbul. With this declaration, it is aimed to meet the needs and expectations of the passengers in the best possible way and to increase the service quality. Metro Istanbul undertakes to maintain the service standards specified in this Charter in accordance with the EN 13816 Service Quality Standard in Public Transport and to make maximum effort to meet passenger needs and expectations.

1. Passenger Information

Passenger information is provided clearly and in accordance with its purpose. Metro Istanbul follows the communication technologies and fulfils the information needs of the passengers through many communication channels.

Travel and price schedules and other service information can be easily obtained via brochures, information points, electronic media (internet) or telephones. Information requests can also be answered in a very short time via Metro Istanbul Call Centre.

Each station is clearly defined. Route numbers, destinations, departure times of vehicles and network maps are kept up-to-date at the stations. There is route information or line number plate on each vehicle. All officers affiliated with Metro Istanbul are authorised to provide necessary information in case of need.

In case of planned situations (equipment and vehicle breakdowns, maintenance etc.) that disrupt the transportation service, passengers are informed at least 5 days in advance.

2. Accessibility

Metro Istanbul realises the necessary collaborations to ensure passengers access to the public transport system. Planning accessibility services by considering the needs of all passengers, Metro Istanbul ensures that stations and vehicles are accessible to all passengers.

3. Maintenance, Repair and Cleaning of Vehicles and Facilities

Metro Istanbul ensures that the vehicles and facilities included in the areas of responsibility are properly arranged, cleaned and maintenance-repair activities are carried out periodically.

4. Reliability and Punctuality

Public transport services require strict adherence to timetables. In the event of factors affecting the punctuality and reliability of the services provided, information on the subject and alternative solutions are provided as soon as possible.

5. Safety and Security of Passengers

Metro Istanbul takes all kinds of measures in the operation of urban rail systems and its priority is the safety of passengers. Metro Istanbul provides high-level passenger safety in accordance with the rights and privacy of individuals and Metro Istanbul fulfils its responsibilities under all conditions in this regard.

All passengers and drivers are covered by personal accident insurance against a possible accident.

6. Travel Comfort

Metro Istanbul is commits to provide comfortable transportation services to its passengers. Adequate air conditioning, lighting and ventilation are provided in vehicles for this purpose.

7. Passenger Requests and Complaints

Paying attention to the feedback of passengers in order to increase the service quality, Metro Istanbul carefully examines the requests, suggestions and complaints of passengers and potential passengers. Metro Istanbul takes remedial measures as soon as possible to meet these demands. Responding to passenger requests and complaints within a week at most, Metro Istanbul encourages its passengers to provide feedback.

Passengers can get information from the call centre regarding their items lost at stations and vehicles.

8. Environmental Impacts

Providing the disposal of all solid, liquid and gaseous wastes generated during the intervention to the maintenance and malfunctions of the equipment in accordance with the environmental legislation, Metro Istanbul refrains from any action that may harm the nature. By regularly training and raising awareness of all its employees on environmental risks, Metro Istanbul succeeds in keeping environmental impacts under control by recycling and recovering wastes. It prefers the use of biodegradable materials that are not harmful to the environment and human beings in station and vehicle cleaning.

Performing occupational health and safety trainings and environmental emission measurements in certain periods, Metro Istanbul also takes the necessary measures to eliminate and minimise the negative conditions observed at stations and areas open to passengers.