R&D and Technology

R&D and Technology

Embracing the vision of developing cutting-edge and local technology thanks to its experience and designing capacity, Metro İstanbul places special emphasis and value on R&D, design and innovation activities.

Accordingly, Metro Istanbul is systematically continuing its works and investments based on its knowledge and experience, with a view to manufacturing new products, tools and parts, creating innovative processes and systems, and improving the existing systems.

Domestication Projects

Starting first with localisation projects for equipment and spare parts for railway systems and vehicles, R&D activities gained a new momentum with ITA 2000 (1. Generation) project, the first tramcar project in Turkey. With its “Domestic Tramcar” projects as well as the concept of continuous improvement, Metro Istanbul’s R&D Department maximised its design capacity, know-how and technological infrastructure.

Domestic LRV Production

Launching greater investments in human resources and infrastructure in line with its vision of designing and manufacturing local rail vehicles, Metro İstanbul built confidence in feasibility with its prototype or finalised vehicles.

Local tramcar projects of Metro Istanbul are initiated with the ITA 2000 (1. Generation) model and progressed with an ever-increasing speed. ITA 2004 (2. Generation) and ITA 2009 (3. Generation) prototype tramcars are manufactured as a result of the specialised and qualified human resources trained during this process as well as the analysis of the needs and expectations of operation and maintenance units along with the passengers. 

Owing to its background both in operations and technical services, this vast experience provides the company with great advantage in the design of new products.

New Generation of Domestic-Made Tramcars

Primarily to meet its own operational needs, and by employing as much as possible the resources of the sub-industry as well as its own specialised and experienced workforce, Metro İstanbul envisages to locally produce high-floor tramcars which are modern and reliable, compatible with European standards, suitable to local operational conditions and passenger characteristics, economically cost-effective, competitive and marketable, and would translate Istanbul’s urban fabric into design language.

Already having proven its success in its own lines and operational conditions and their reliability, with its local tramcars, Metro Istanbul envisages to initially meet the needs of Istanbul, and then evolve these vehicles into a marketable product for Turkey and for the nearby countries. Furthermore, as part of the localisation projects, Metro Istanbul also aims to pioneer the formation of a local industry which would promote the manufacturing of local rail vehicles and ensure sustainability in their production.

Main objectives of the domestic-made tramcar project are as follows:

  • Reducing foreign dependency by building technological competence in railway systems
  • Meeting the rolling stock needs of Istanbul
  • Procuring more cost-effective rail vehicles
  • Manufacturing the rolling stocks most suitable for Istanbul’s needs and profile
  • Training the qualified and specialised human resources much needed in the railway sector
  • Promoting knowledge and know-how in railway technologies through academic and scientific studies
  • Creating a strong local railway sub-industry and supply chain
  • Achieving a higher brand value as a vehicle manufacturing company.

Ongoing Domestication Projects:

  • Rail Vehicle Control System and Software
  • Signalling Project
  • Domestication Project for the Spare Parts of the Current Rolling Stock
  • Power Electronics in MILRES (National Wind Turbine Development) Project
  • Domestication Works for the Rehabilitation of Railway Infrastructure
  • Domestication Works for the Spare Parts of the Elevators