Management System Policies

Management System Policies

Metro Istanbul is an organization that makes significant contributions to urban efficiency and is aware of its responsibilities towards public and the environment, and considers sustainable development as an important element of its decision-making mechanisms. The goal of Metro Istanbul is to provide safe, fast, economical and comfortable rail system public transportation services to Istanbul residents and to ensure continuous passenger satisfaction. Believing that passenger satisfaction comes from the happiness and satisfaction of its employees, Metro Istanbul provides its employees with the best working environment and supports continuous development and learning.

Metro Istanbul predicates databased work in line with its continuous improvement approach and aims to achieve excellence by raising the efficiency in business processes to the level of best practices in the industry.

Metro Istanbul continues to work with its suppliers in cooperation and mutual trust in order to reduce costs, increase efficiency and long-term profitability, and secure the future.

Metro Istanbul has adopted the Quality Management System as a way of life in order to ensure quality awareness in all its fields of activity and service units in a permanent and regular manner. Considering it a duty to increase the quality of service with the Quality Management System, Metro Istanbul continues to fulfil the requirements of this system.

Our Quality Management Policy

Metro Istanbul is an organization that makes a significant contribution to sustainable urban mobility and is aware of its responsibilities towards public and the environment, and accepts sustainable development as an important element of its decision-making mechanisms.

We care about providing safe, fast, economical and comfortable rail public transportation services to Istanbul residents and ensuring the continuity of passenger satisfaction. Believing that passenger satisfaction passes through the happiness and satisfaction of its employees, we support continuous development and learning, providing the best working environment for our employees.

As Metro Istanbul, we undertake the following:

  • To carry out our activities in accordance with our mission and vision, taking into account the needs and expectations of our stakeholders.
  • To fully and completely comply with applicable national legislation requirements and international agreements.
  • To focus on customer satisfaction and act with an understanding of transparency and accountability at all stages of our activities.
  • To improve our service quality and managerial excellence level consistently with a continuous improvement approach.
  • To bring efficiency in business processes and technological products and services to the sector by predicating databased work.
  • To continue to work in cooperation and trust with its suppliers in order to reduce costs, increase efficiency and secure the future.
  • To make quality awareness sustainable in all fields of activity and service units, to adopt the Quality Management System as a lifestyle.
  • To fulfil the requirements of this system by increasing the quality of service with the Quality Management System.

Our Environmental Policy

As a rail systems operator, which is the most environmentally friendly way of transportation among public transportation services, we aim to contribute to improving the quality of the urban environment and to ensure the sustainability of existing resources by encouraging the use of rail systems.

As Metro Istanbul, we undertake to reduce our environmental emissions arising from our activities and to improve continuously, our environmental management performance in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by following the principles below:

  • To comply with all national legislation and international conventions related to the environment.
  • To be a company that is sensitive to society and protects the environment with a sustainability approach in all areas where we operate.
  • To determine the environmental impacts of our activities, keeping these impacts under control with new projects and practices.
  • To raise awareness of all our stakeholders through trainings and communication activities in order to raise awareness and dissemination in line with our value of being sensitive to people and the environment.
  • To improve our environmental management processes in line with our continuous development culture and strategic goal.
  • To cooperate with national and local government agencies, international organizations, other public transportation organizations, non-governmental organizations and suppliers.

Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Metro Istanbul aims to create a healthy and safe working environment by establishing the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in the urban rail and cable car systems where it continues its public transportation operation, to make the created environment safer and healthier, and to ensure the sustainability of these environments.

In Metro Istanbul;

  • All activities are carried out with the understanding of “People First”.
  • The health and safety of our employees and passengers is our top priority and is above all administrative and commercial goals.
  • Occupational health and safety activities are carried out within the framework of discipline, taking into account all national and international legislation and agreements.
  • The continuity of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System is ensured, risks and hazards regarding health and safety in all activities are systematically managed with scientific, contemporary and innovative approaches, and thus, occupational accidents and occupational diseases are eliminated or reduced.
  • All employees and suppliers are made aware of and trained on occupational health and safety.
  • Continuous communication is established with public institutions and organizations, the private sector, universities and non-governmental organizations in order to improve the culture of occupational health and safety.
  • Cooperation and solidarity are ensured by encouraging the active participation of personnel at all levels.
  • Data obtained within the scope of occupational health and safety during the studies are shared with the relevant parties, taking into account public health.
  • The opinions of the employees are taken where the changes will affect the occupational health and safety, and the employees are represented on the issues of health and safety.
  • Our processes related to occupational health and safety, which is one of our priority sustainability issues, are constantly improved.

As Metro Istanbul, we are committed to provide healthy, safe and sustainable environments for employees, suppliers, passengers and all relevant parties wherever we operate.

Our Passenger Demand, Complaint and Suggestion Management Policy

As an urban rail system operator, Metro Istanbul aims to continuously improve passenger satisfaction by exceeding the demands and expectations of the passengers, to provide quick response to feedback, to finalize the suggestions by turning them into action, and to rapidly integrate the systems it uses into technological and digital transformation.

Every complaint is seen as an opportunity to improve service quality. Our passengers can convey their thanks, complaints and suggestions to Metro Istanbul via ALO 153 call centre and other communication channels. Metro Istanbul's acknowledgment, complaint and suggestion management procedure complies with the criteria of accessibility, transparency, objectivity, confidentiality, traceability, accountability, compliance with legal regulations and customer focus.

Metro Istanbul is committed to improve its sensitivity in the resolution of complaints continuously, to follow up customer complaints until all reasonable solutions are exhausted or customer satisfaction is achieved, to ensure a sustainable improvement by controlling its performance with the determined indicators and to realize a customer satisfaction-oriented approach without compromising the TS ISO 10002 principles.

Our Energy Management Policy

By adopting the principle of protecting the ecosystem, Metro Istanbul ensures effective and efficient use of energy by applying the ISO 50001 Energy Management System in all its activities, without compromising the quality and comfort of the service it provides, in line with its strategic objectives of effective resource management and benefiting the society.

As Metro Istanbul, we are committed to carry out the following:

To act in accordance with national policies and legal regulations regarding energy.

  • Making financial choices and tariff analyses that will put the least burden on the company's economy in the supply processes of energy, and closely following the energy markets.
  • To comply with energy efficiency criteria in all product, equipment and service purchases, starting from the design and projecting stages, with the aim of improving energy performance.
  • To carry out activities to increase the share of renewable energy resources in energy use and to implement domestic and national energy technologies.
  • To reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, which cause climate change because of global warming, by continuously improving our energy performance based on reference energy consumption.
  • To crate results that will produce common value and benefit in energy management with public institutions, customers, independent authorities and contractor companies.
  • To carry out training and awareness activities to increase the awareness of employees and society on the consumption of energy resources and energy efficiency.
  • To prioritize energy efficiency in new products to be produced in the future or new processes to be developed for projects and activities planned within the scope of R&D.

Information Security Management Policy

Metro Istanbul, which carries out the urban rail public transportation business; fulfils its obligations arising from national, international or sectoral regulations to which it is subject, relevant legislation and standard requirements, conditions arising from agreements or corporate responsibilities towards internal and external stakeholders in order to ensure information security requirements.

Metro Istanbul, undertakes to abide by the principles stated below while fulfilling all the following obligations stated below:

  • Employees, suppliers and other stakeholders have secure access to information assets.
  • The integrity, confidentiality, accessibility and continuity of the information are protected within the limits of authorization.
  • An effective risk management is implemented by evaluating the risks that may occur on its own information assets.
  • Services are provided as soon as possible and uninterruptedly in order to comply with all legal regulations and agreements regarding information security.
  • Allocates resources to fulfil the requirements of the standards of Information Security Management System, ensures the establishment, operation and continuous improvement of the system.
  • Preserves the reliability and reputation of the station, compound and external units of Metro Istanbul.
  • Takes measures regarding information security, ensures the implementation of the measures taken, controls them and applies the necessary sanctions in case of possible violations.
  • Takes measures to reduce the impact of information security threats, ensures business continuity and sustainability.
  • Protects and improves the level of information security with the established control infrastructure.
  • It ensures that the information security studies carried out are audited by their own internal audits or by independent third party institutions to determine their compliance with laws and standards.
  • In order to increase information security awareness, trainings are given to develop competencies.